July 7th
The Madison County Health Officer issued a health order requiring face coverings in public places in Madison County to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This order takes effect today, July 7th, at 5:00 PM. The Madison County Face Covering Order is available for review at alabamapublichealth.gov/legal/assets/order-madisonchd-masks-070620.pdf
North Alabama SC's Return-to-Play (RTP) guidelines already meet the health order. Our coaches are required to wear face coverings at all times when leading/coaching sessions and interacting with our players. Players are required to wear masks to and from their soccer sessions and are provided a designated sideline player station to ensure they maintain social distancing when not actively participating in a soccer activity. While all players are required to have their own hand sanitizer and sanitize their hands before and after sessions, we have added an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser to the field entrance as a backup.
Everyone visiting the NASC office will continue to be required to wear a face covering upon entry.
Parents – We understand everyone’s situation is different and unique regarding when they may be comfortable or able to return-to-play. If you are not comfortable with your child returning to play now, DON’T. Return when you and your child are ready. You decide when to return-to-play. Please be assured that we are here to make sure your child can return to soccer on their own timeline and that they will have a place to play when they do.
Click the button below to download/view the North Alabama SC RTP Guidelines.
Our RTP guidelines will be adjusted, modified based on updates from the State of Alabama, CDC, ADPH, USYS, ASA, and local agencies and as needed to ensure the health and safety of our North Alabama SC soccer community.
Please continue to follow the RTP guidelines for self-screening, pre-session, session, and post-session activities including coach, parent, and player responsibilities. We must continue to work together and follow the rules to ensure we can provide a safe and healthy playing environment for all involved with North Alabama SC soccer.
Please wear a mask in public and stay safe and healthy. We want all of our players to be able to continue to play soccer.
Contact North Alabama SC
Contact Info
3057 Leeman Ferry Rd SW
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: 256.489.2849
Email: info@northalabamasc.org