North Alabama Soccer Coalition

March 11th

March 11th

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation has raised many questions and concerns at all levels of sports. Like many of you, we have spent the last few weeks learning more about COVID-19 and its impact. For us, that means understanding how it affects our club families, players, coaches, and soccer community and taking measures to keep you and our club healthy and safe. 

These measures include:

  • Club staff and coaches following the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) prevention and hygiene guidelines
  • Coaches working to ensure players follow the same CDC guidelines on the field
  • Ensuring club staff and coaches stay home when they are sick and do not return to the office or field until they are symptom and fever free for a minimum of 24-hours
  • Limiting who handles shared training equipment during practice and games
  • Sanitizing/disinfecting all training equipment that comes in contact with players
  • Replacing high fives and handshakes with fist bumps or elbow taps

We also ask for your support to help with prevention by reinforcing the CDC guidelines with your player, keeping your player home when they are sick, disinfecting soccer equipment after each practice or game; especially shared items (such as soccer balls) that may be used by multiple players during practice or a game, and ensuring your player does not share water bottles or food at practices or games.

Many of our families have asked questions about out-of-town club related travel for state league games, friendlies, and tournaments. We are following the lead of the State of Alabama, Alabama Department of Public Health, Cities of Huntsville and Madison, and the Huntsville City and Madison City school systems to evaluate and consider any cancellations or reschedules of practices, games, or other club related activities.

As of today, there have been no reported cases in Alabama, the State of Alabama has not declared a state of emergency, and schools remain in session with extracurricular activities being held as scheduled. At this time, there will be no changes to our scheduled club soccer activities - practices will be held as planned and teams should plan to attend all scheduled local games, state league games, and in-state tournaments. Regarding out of state travel - as of now, teams should also plan to attend their scheduled out of state games and tournaments. 

Our #1 priority is the health and safety of our Huntsville FC and North Alabama SC soccer community. Our club will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation as it evolves and work with clubs located in or near affected areas that our teams have games scheduled with or are hosting tournaments our teams plan to attend in order to make game and tournament participation decisions that are in best health and safety interests of our club families and players. As always, families should make the best health decision for themselves and their player regarding travel to upcoming games and tournaments. Our club will always support your decision.

We will communicate updates as needed.

Stay Healthy

We recommend that everyone follow the CDC prevention and hygiene recommendations. Below are actions you can take to help reduce the spread of germs and viruses:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20-seconds; especially after you have been in a public place, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, after using the restroom, and before you eat. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Do not share personal items such as water bottles, cups/glasses, eating utensils, etc.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneeze or cough or use the inside of your elbow
  • Stay home if you are sick - limit contact with others and do not return to work, school, or soccer activities until you are symptom and fever free for at least 24-hours
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and items daily; including countertops, handles, phones, backpacks, soccer equipment, etc.
  • Replace handshakes and high fives with fist bumps or elbow taps

We are not medical professionals and encourage you to consult your individual health partners/providers to answer your questions and provide further information and guidance regarding COVID-19.

We also encourage you to consult the CDC and Alabama Department of Public Health COVID-19 websites for more information and updates. Some helpful links are provided below:

CDC COVID-19 Website
Alabama Department of Public Health COVID-19 Website
Huntsville City Schools COVID-19 Website

Thank you for your support,

Huntsville FC and North Alabama SC


Contact North Alabama SC

Contact Info

3057 Leeman Ferry Rd SW
Huntsville, AL  35801

Phone: 256.489.2849

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