North Alabama Soccer Coalition

NASC Inclement Weather Guidelines & Communication Processes

NASC Inclement Weather Guidelines & Communication Processes

Cold Weather Protocol
In order to prevent cold weather injury and provide for the safety of NASC players, the following protocol will be followed:

  • Players should arrive at training and match play with proper attire including warmups, hats, and/or gloves. Limit the amount of cotton you wear, as it has a tendency to retain moisture. 
  • If the wind chill temperature falls below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, all outdoor team training sessions will be canceled for all age groups.
  • If the National Weather Service issues a Wind Chill Advisory or Warning, outdoor team training sessions may be limited to no more than 60 minutes (decision to be made and communicated by Club Leadership). Matches can be a day-of-decision.

NASC reserves the right to cancel outdoor training and games for select teams and age groups even if conditions do not meet the above if the club determines cancelation is in the safest interest of players and coaches.


Warm Weather Protocol
The NASC Warm Weather Protocol, in-line with US Soccer guidelines, is intended to serve as a guide for regulating match play, practice sessions, hydration breaks and participant safety during extremely hot conditions. The chart below from National Weather Service should act as a guide for determining temperature with humidity taken into account.

Once heat index is determined based on chart above, all NASC Teams should follow the guidelines below:

  • Heat Index greater than 104 degrees F:
    • No outdoor training allowed
  • Heat Index between 98-103 degrees F:
    • Maximum of 90 minutes of training with minimum of four separate four-minute breaks each hour.
  • Heat index between 94-97 degrees F:
    • Maximum of two hours of training with minimum of three separate four-minute breaks each hour, OR a 10-minute break every 30 minutes of training.
  • Heat index between 90-93 degrees F:
    • Three separate three-minute breaks each hour, OR a 12-minute break every 40 minutes of training.

Lightning Protocol
If lightning occurs within 10 miles of a facility where NASC training or matches are being held, all play is immediately suspended until there is no lightning within 10 miles for 30 minutes.

  • All coaches and Directors are to send players to sheltered areas at the facility OR to their cars.

Communication Protocol in the Event of Inclement Weather
Our goal is to communicate cancelations as soon as a decision is made, and we strive to make a decision for all NASC locations by 3:00 PM during the week and at least 2hrs prior to the start of the first scheduled game on the weekend. This affects carpool schedules and long commutes so we will do our best to stick to this schedule.

If no communication comes from the club on the day of training, all training is considered to be ON as scheduled that evening.

Our Directors and Location Leads are responsible for all weather-related decisions after 3:00 PM, including all on-field decisions. In the event of inclement weather occurring after 3:00 PM and on-field at any NASC location, assigned Directors and Location Leads will:

  • Monitor weather leading into the first session and during both sessions at their assigned facility.
  • Communicate any necessary changes to all coaches with scheduled training at that facility on that evening.
  • Ensure players, coaches and parents/guardians appropriately clear the field if training is suspended due to lightning.

As a coach, if you receive communication from the Director or Location Lead overseeing your training facility that your training session is canceled, postponed, etc., it is your responsibility to communicate to your team as quickly as possible. Your message to your families must include the following:

  • Your team name
  • Your training time
  • Your training location

This is all helpful for parents/guardians receiving multiple messages for multiple players in their family.


Contact North Alabama SC

Contact Info

Contact Info

3057 Leeman Ferry Rd SW
Huntsville, AL  35801

Phone: 256.489.2849

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